Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Give Stress the Boot

Tired, stressed and depressed, these words seem to be coming up allot these days. The western world and now the eastern world which is also catching up I might add, seem to be in a complete mess. Nearly everybody and I do mean (every-body) is under some kind of stress, when we are under stress our body usually is the one that lets us know through some kind of pain that something is not quite right within ourselves. It's funny everyone's talking about there's not enough time in the day anymore to get all the things done, so we all have to rush around like mad dogs trying to get everything done. This then causes a lot of people to feel stressed and burnt out, this then leads to depression. So what does most of the population do? They go to the doctors and get some drug to mask the problem(which is usually just lack of balance in our everyday life, not taking timeout just to sit, relax and BE) the drug works for awhile then as soon as they get off it wham we're back to square one. Here's an article about another alternative healing modality it's called reflexology its been around for thousands of years and it works wonders. I believe it helps straight away for allot of people because in allot of cases its the first time some people just sit down, relax and do nothing and just BE, that's healing within its self. If you've never had a treatment I can highly recommend it and if you have but haven't had reflexology for awhile why not go treat yourself again.
Let your feet do the talking...
"As you lay back and relax during a reflexology session, this ancient healing artform, practiced thousands of years ago by the Egyptians, can help the body repair itself."Reflexology is a science that deals with the principles that there are reflex areas in the feet, ears and hands which correspond with every gland, organ and body part." canadaeast
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