Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You Can Help an Angel

I didn't know much about Ram Dass until last year. I'd heard his name mentioned in certain circles over the years but never felt a connection to him. That was until last year a wonderful friend was guided to give me a video of Ram Dass. Well I soon discovered what an inspirational and loving man he was. I found this article that Dr. Wayne Dyer had written asking for help for his close friend from anyone who can assist this wonderful man. This is what its all about helping our fellow brothers and sisters in anyway we can. Giving is such a wonderful gift we can experience and I know for a fact Ram Dass certainly did that.
BE HERE for him, NOW
"One of the truly great men of our time needs our help. I write these words to encourage your generosity and support. Back in the 1960's a Harvard professor named Richard Alpert left behind the hectic world of academia and traveled to India - there he was to meet his spiritual teacher who gave him a new purpose to fulfill along with a new name." drwaynedyer
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