Friday, August 11, 2006

Eckhart Tolle Living in a Fantasy

Paul B. Farrell has an interesting point of view on Eckhart Tolle's best-selling book 'The Power of Now'. Is Eckhart Tolle's book creating monsters in America and around the globe? Paul Farrell thinks so, he explains some interesting points on Jim Cramer who is the host of CNBC's "Mad Money" and Eckhart Tolle and how both men are dangerous, see what you think.
Danger! 'Mad Money' and the 'Power of Now'

"Breaking news? It's so obvious, it can't possibly be news. Right? And yet, in America's zero-attention-span culture the obvious is what people usually ignore, dismiss or deny. So no wonder newspapers use all capital letters. Readers don't know they're living in the "NOW!" But it's not really news. It's what spiritual gurus have been saying for thousands of years."
>>Eckhart Tolle News