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Lunascope: Gemini Full Moon
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Lunascope - Gemini Full Moon

By Rebekah Shaman

The Gemini full moon is light and airy and is perfect for the festive season. We can utilise the energy that has gained momentum since the Sagittarius new moon to finish up projects and complete creative commitments and projects, particularly written ones.

There is a lot of planetary activity at the moment. The good news is that none of the planets are retrograde this month, meaning that everything is flowing forward in intention and focus. The bad news is that you may feel frustrated by slow progress in real terms.

This moon is not without its emotional up and downs, so to combat any emotional feelings or frustrations, focus your energy on a step by step approach without being too attached to outcomes. You may find a twist or unexpected change happen. The key word here is flexibility. The more flexible and open you are to the opportunities that open up when a door closes, the easier it will be to surf this wave.

The Gemini moon illuminates a need to balance our need to impress and force our truth on others with understanding, love and gratitude. Our actions are like ripples in a pond that impact on those around us but also on all humanity, gradually spreading out into the human consciousness. During this festive season, infuse loving compassion and right thinking into all your actions.

Rebekah Shaman
is the author of the the book "The Shaman's Last Apprentice", she also has a ethical and sustainable company called 'Hemp Global Solution'. The company aims to reinstate hemp as the number one crop on the planet and re-educate, lobby and promote the importance of this plant so that we can create a sustainable future for our children.

Rebekah's website is:www.rebekahshaman.com


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